Of Our Canine Friends


"Walk Proud with a TARMAR YORKIE!"









Bugs are coming out! use AVON SKIN SO SOFT on your pets/  SPRAY YOUR HANDS AND WIPE OFF ON YOUR PET.




Welcome to Tarmar





Terriers (Perm.Reg'd)

BE Sure to read "Exciting News " under "Our Champions"

Please enjoy my  site pages which I am working on . I will inform you on future litters being born and I will also give tips on care of your pups .


Follow up on Pet Insurance which is recommended.Veterinarian Clinics are very busy and expensive so even a small policy helps.

Don't walk puppies on a lead for long periods of time until their bones are strong and don't let them jump too much.

Small dogs should not be altered until they are 7-8 months old and large dogs when they are 10 months.

Follow your breeders advice not people who think they know everything about every breed !  Your breeder will be happy to help you should you have questions.

Dogs are omnivours which means their diet is to be balnced by their need for activity so they eat vegetables and fruit and less meat .  A BIT of fresh  apple or veggies e.g peppers, green beans are great for treats .They should be eating kibbles which have a low protein content of 22 percent, pumpkin, tomato, celery, broccoli, cauliflour are fine. Large working dogs need more protein.

Fresh fruit produces alcohol in their stomachs which causes diarriah so only a bit for treats!! They love watermelon which is a great way of getting water into them on a hot day.




"Honour our deceased dogs by


opening our hearts to another"



"Dogs give unconditional love


so give the same back!"


I have been reading many ads for Yorkshire Terriers and I hope you will go the CKC, the CYTA and CKC registered breeder sites to explore what a real true Yorkie is! You get what you pay for when you choose from reputable dedicated breeders. Many of you go by the price and if this you, you will be paying the vet and you will cry! One false statement I have noticed is that many say they are hypoallergetic. NOT TRUE! It depends on the allergy! They do shed like us! So again, false advertising!! I must mention that in 35 years of living with my Yorkshire Terriers I have never used any form of FLEA treatment. They just never got them so I do not recommend preventative treatment .

 I must also add that Facebook has groups who talk about the YORKSHIRE TERRIER BREED. These people are owners who have not purchased their dogs from reputable breeders .They generalize health issues and make it sound like all Yorkies have problems NOT TRUE! Please check with the CKC for reputable breeders.














Where there are people there are dogs and people like dogs for all sorts of reasons because they do a great job for man especially by guarding their homes and property.  A dog is fun to be with , a good companion to share a game or a walk or just sitting together. A creature who thinks he/she is human.

The affection between man and dog is mutual. We love them as much as they love us and there is no relationship the same as man and any other domesticated creature. Why dog should be willing to stay with man without running away as all other animals, is one of the freaks of nature and has paid dividends for both.

Yorkshire Terriers The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most sought after small dogs-small in size but large in character with a super personality. He/she amuses itself making for few demands with the exception of grooming. This breed was not always as small as it is today.  A man made dog during the Industrial Revolution in Scotland and England, it was once a much larger dog weighing between 12 and 14 pounds. It was bred to go into the coal mines to eleviate rats and verman.

The selective breeding of the Paisley Terrier (now extinct) the Skye Terrier and the Maltese are part of it's genetic structure. 

The Yorkshire Terrier was introduced to the show ring in Yorkshire in 1886 by the British Kennel Club. Today, a Standard for Showing can be located at the Canadian Kennel Club and any C.K.C Registered Club.

Pet Quality Yorkshire Terriers are perfect for empty nesters and people living alone but I would be neglectful in not reminding you that allowing strangers or small children to play with this small dog could result in serious accidents.

  In 2024 the Yorkshire Terrier is the 5th most popular breed of all the Toy breeds .

Grow Old With Dogs

When I grow old... I will wear soft gray sweatshirts..
and a bandana over my silver hair...
I will spend my social security checks on wine and my dogs.
I will sit in my house on my well worn chair and listen to my dogs breathing.
I will sneak out in the middle of a warm summer night
and take my dogs for a run, if my old bones will allow..
When people come to call ,
I will smile and nod as I show them my dogs..
and talk of them and about them..
the so beloved of the past and the ones so beloved of today..
I will still work hard cleaning after them, mopping and feeding them and
whispering their names in a soft loving way.
I will wear the gleaming sweat on my throat, like a jewel and I will be an
embarassment to all.. especially my family..
who have not yet found the peace
in being free to have dogs as best friends..
These friends who always wait at any hour for your footfall..
and eagerly jump to their feet out of a sound sleep, to
greet you as if you are God
with warm eyes full of adoring love and hope that you will always stay.
I'll hug their little necks..
I'll kiss their dear sweet heads..
and whisper in their very special company..
I look in the Mirror..
and see I am getting old.. This is the kind of person I am..
and have always been.
Loving dogs is easy,
they are a part of me.
Please accept me for who I am.
My dogs appreciate my presence in their lives..
When I am old this will be important to me..
You will understand when you are old
if you have dogs to love too.

(Author Unknown)

*** They say dogs are the only animals that will answer to their names and recognize the voices of the family.??????







Experience with Yorkshire



35 Years and showed my own


dogs for years in CKC Shows.



Click picture to ZOOM

  All my breeders are Embark DNA

tested. To say the puppy has been

vet checked is not saying it is free from health issues.

 DNA testing checks for problems

in their history.

Don't be fooled by back yard






Champion CwnAwnnn the Yorkhouse the Cheek of Him




Click picture to ZOOM

Rustie owned by me at Tarmar Kennel was beautifully handled by Sandra,Lynn and Christie to attain his Championship winning a First Place in Best of Groups at Connistion Ontario . Rustie is now retired from showing. Thank you breeders at CwnAnwnn (Sandra ) and Yorkhouse (Michelle ) for allowing me to own this beautiful speciman of a Yorkshire Terrier!

Rustie is available for breeding to females owned by Reputable CKC breeders

Always remember,you are the one that makes your

Yorkie the dog it becomes, the best dog ever!!

Champion Cwnannwn the Yorkhouse the Cheek of Him   Him


If I question you about where you live, if you have pets. where you work, etc. It is because I do not sell my dogs to just anyone. I want respectable homes, a safe place for my innocent puppies to be loved, to be happy and healthy all their lives. It doesn't matter if you are Straight or Gay as I have had many Gay people loving parents to my dogs!


Read about,Ossification,Coproghagy, Introxication-- also Mycoplasma

Beware of walking your dog in strange places.

Cats can often hurt dogs by scratching their eyes which leads to losing their eye.

Keep your Yorkies ears trimmed on each side half way down and around the edges.

Remove hair from inside the ear if nessesary to prevent infection.

Keep the pads trimmed of excess hair especially between the pads.

Trim around their eyes so they can see and less chance of infection.

Brushing teeth avoids tarter build up. Start at 12 weeks old so they are used to it.

Osification- soft bones and not connected. Introxication-drinks too fast and chokes

Coproghagy-eats their poo                         Mycoplasma- similar to kennel cough but worse


Click picture to ZOOM

Click picture to ZOOM

Periwinkle loves visiting her other family.

Alfi Loves His Grandpa soooo much!


 Coco is a Princess is Disguise!!



Click picture to ZOOM

Alfi is a Charmer!

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